What are Hotel Amenities? 15+ Essential Hotel Amenity Ideas

Kshitij Chaudhary
2 min read
June 9, 2024

Hotel amenities are one of those things that are a tight walk for hotels of all shapes and sizes. Don’t have any stacked up? You risk ending up irritating your guests. Have them in droves? You’d still get flaked on about what you did wrong.

It’s truly an impossible situation to be in.

But whatever you may feel about this, there’s no denying that hotel amenities are vital for adding value to your guests' experience. For some big-brand hotels, they are one of the key ways to differentiate their brand.

That’s precisely why we wrote this guide on hotel amenities: to show you why they are essential, the different hotel amenity ideas at your disposal, and so on.  

What are Hotel Amenities?

Hotel amenities are any additional or desirable items provided to guests in addition to the rooms they have booked for their stay. 

For hotels around the world, they are an essential component of improving the brand experience for guests.

In fact, as one piece from Skift puts it, in the luxury category, selecting bathroom amenities is an exercise in brand alignment. 

So you need to be thorough about hotel amenities. You need to understand your guest demographics, their preferences, and how all of this affects your choice of hotel amenities.

The 15+ Different Types of Hotel Amenities to Have in Your Hotel

Because of their nature, hotel amenities are classified into five distinct categories. In short, they are:

  1. Hotel Room Amenities
  2. Outdoor Hotel Amenities
  3. Business or Corporate Amenities
  4. Pet-Friendly Amenities 
  5. Luxury Amenities 

Let’s go over each one.

1. Hotel Room Amenities

Hotel Amenities

As the name suggests, hotel room amenities refer to the types of hotel amenities that cater to the different services and products guests receive inside their hotel rooms. 

Remember, the types and quality of amenities can differ wildly depending on the category of room or hotel the guest has booked. This is why awareness of your guests' demography is essential—it will help you determine what you should provide them.

In general, there are a few evergreen hotel amenities to get right in this category:

1.1. Housekeeping

No guests wants to end up dealing with roaches or pests on a trip. And you surely don’t want this to happen in your hotel. This is precisely why regular housekeeping of all hotel rooms is the bare minimum for any hotel. 

It includes everything from daily cleaning to hygiene maintenance in all rooms and hotels.

A hygienic environment created by daily housekeeping will also keep your efforts in line with other hospitality efforts of yours.

1.2. In-Room Dining

Not everyone has the inclination or the time to eat from outside.

After a long and tiring work day, most people simply want to crash into their rooms and relax. This is where in-room dining can help. All a guest has to do is pick up the phone or, if you’re up with the tech, a quick text to your hotel’s WhatsApp chatbot

Not only will they get fresh, piping-hot food, but they will also appreciate its quickness and 24/7 availability.   

As you probably guessed, this also means more opportunities for upsell revenue and better guest satisfaction.                                 

1.3. Room Service

Room service is massively important for a seamless guest experience. From getting help with any slip-ups or problems to getting something changed in your room, a well-trained staff for room service can go a long way to simplifying the life of your guest.

Apart from this, providing room service in your hotel amenities can also help you in:

1.  Boosting revenue through upselling of foods or other services through your trained staff.
2. A well-trained staff can improve guest experiences through good hospitality.
3. When done well, it will help you stand out from the crowd of mediocre competition.

1.4. Toilet Accessories

Toilet accessories like soaps, conditioners, lotions, and toilet paper are other great hotel amenities to stock up on.

Although it’s highly likely that most guests will bring their own stuff most of the time, especially things like soaps or conditioners, simply having standard supplies can come in handy at any time.

Depending on your budget, you might want to get something more branded.

Read Also - Hotel Room Types: A Complete Guide to 15+ Types of Hotel Rooms

2. Outdoor Hotel Amenities 

Outdoor Amenities

Outside hotel amenities are another vital category of hotel amenities. In short, they consist of all the items or things you provide your guests out of their rooms. Let’s look at all of them one by one.

2.1. Swimming Pool

If you’re a medium-sized hotel, a swimming pool can do wonders. Many guests simply love it, with some going as far as to call up the hotel staff for confirmation before swiping their cards.

It doesn’t matter if it’s an indoor or outdoor swimming pool—as long as it’s functional.

But whatever you do, make sure that if you have listed the swimming pool in your amenities on your website or OTAs, it is working. For your guests, probably few things are worse than making a booking with some amenities in mind, only to find it’s not available at the hotel.

2.2. Gym

Gym is another amenity that many guests look for in their hotels. 

They’re preferred mainly by young people, so if your target demographic involves a younger demographic, getting this one right will be in your long-term interests.

Again, unless you’re charging premium prices, you don’t have to go overboard with branded equipment here; simple, good-quality machines and a pleasing ambiance will do enough to please your guests.

2.3. Spa or Yoga Center

After a long day outside, nothing sounds better than a warm, relaxing session at a spa; your guests feel the same. 

As a report from Health Fitness Dynamics confirms, 83% of managers point to the presence of spas as a source of additional revenue in their properties.   

It is for this reason that spas and yoga centers are gaining ground across many branded and chain hotels alike. Well trips, for instance, were alone responsible for 18.7% of tourism activities in 2022 alone, as claims this piece from Forbes.

3. Business or Corporate Amenities

Corporate Amenities

You’re very likely to get corporate clients, especially if you’re building relationships with DMCs and travel agents correctly. For corporate business, you have to focus on hotel amenities for this demographic, too. 

However, the requirements here are different from the ones we have discussed so far. 

Let’s examine some examples below.

3.1. Business or Conference Rooms

Having business or conference rooms is a handy way to attract business crowds. Because of the nature of the client, you can charge much more—and get massive exposure to other business prospects for free.

It's so lucrative that it is an essential tactic of a good hotel SEO plan, with hotels pitching this on separate pages.

To delight your guests with your services, make sure you provide good internet, bright lighting, and a spacious place, among other things. 

3.2. Party Halls

Not all business clients are there for serious meetings—not always, at least. Sometimes, office parties are a great way for big businesses to book hotels.

Party halls are a great addition to the amenities that corporate clients can enjoy. Make sure you’re offering the vast space necessary for parties, good decorations, and competent catering to make your guests' time worth it.

So get the decorations right, and you will be good to go.

3.3. Copy Machines, Workstations, etc.

Since you’re serving people on business, it only makes sense to provide things that might prevent them from facing any hiccups in their business.

For instance, copy machines and computer workstations can always come in handy to your business clients. So make this simple addition, and you will not only save their time but also boost your image as a brand where everything works seamlessly.  

Read Also - Improving Guest Satisfaction in Hotels : 7 Ways to Boost Hotel Guest Satisfaction

4. Pet-Friendly Amenities 

Pet Friendly Amenities

To those who have them, pets are almost a part of them. So much so that, as a report from ExplodingTopic shows, the pet industry is predicted to reach $358.62 billion by 2027.

Unsurprisingly, they are also growing in importance for hoteliers. 

As a piece from WebRezPro puts it, the “pet-friendly” filters are the third-most-popular filter on booking websites, after swimming pool and parking.

So if you’re serving such demographics of guests, it's high time you optimize for this type of hotel amenity. Let’s look at all the different things on offer.

4.1. Pet Food

Most pet owners carry the pet food brands of their choice. However, stocking up on something standard will nevertheless be a good idea for you.

Mistakes happen, after all. Travelers forget things while they’re packing at their homes all the time. So if one of your guests has forgotten food for their pet, you want to be there with a solution for them.

In one go, you solve a critical problem for your guests, ramp up some additional revenue, and build long-term loyalty as the place with all the fix-ups.

4.2. Pet Daycare Service

Pet daycare services care for pets like dogs or cats while their owners are away.

Unsurprisingly, travelers with pets are always on the lookout for properties with pet daycare. They bring their pets on the trip, avoid paying extra at specialist daycare centers, and, more importantly, have a reliable place to keep their pets while they travel.

Demographically, such guests will belong in the high-end category and are, therefore, an additional source of revenue for you.

5. Luxury Amenities 

Luxury amenities stand apart from all other hotel amenities described so far. 

For one, the demographic of guests seeking amenities of such sort is different. Typical guests of such sorts tend to be media personalities, sports stars, business people, and so on. 

It is for this reason that hotel amenities of such sort tend to be wholly exclusive and, for this reason, are only affordable to a few.

5.1. Personal Hotel Staff

Personal hotel staff and butlers are a must-have for the demographics booking from your hotels. 

A trained group of personal staff ensures immediate attention to your guests, ensuring they get the best of services and experience at your hotel.

5.2. Private Pools

Who doesn’t like a nice dip into the pool, especially if you have one it by yourself? 

Private pools give your guests privacy and comfort they wouldn’t find in common ones. So if you can serve a demographic of such sorts, you should consider having a private pool for your guests.

5.3. Private Bar

Similar to pools from above, private bars follow a similar logic. They ensure exclusivity and privacy for your guests that they wouldn’t find in a bar available for standard folks.

Moreover, the decor and personalized service are other selling point for premium guests. One that they’d gladly pay more for.

5.4. Heated Floors

Heated floors are an excellent amenity that adds more comfort and ease for guests. They come particularly handy during the winter season, which can otherwise make guests' lives difficult.

Not only do you provide a branded experience to your guests, but you also get the ability to charge a premium for your service. 

Improving Guest Experience Through Hotel Amenities 

Your hotel amenities are like the cherry on top; they exist to add more value and ease to your guests' pre-planned trips. So all the hotel amenities we have suggested above are good starting points for distinguishing yourself from the crowd, but they are not enough.

Improving your hotel guest experience over a long, sustained period is a different beast altogether, though. It requires dedicated expertise and training, among a dozen other things, so you will need the help of experienced professionals and trainers.

Read Also - 16 Hotel Guest Communication Tips You Need to Follow

Kshitij Chaudhary

Kshitij founded Brance with the vision of helping hoteliers increase their direct bookings using AI. Over the last ten years, he has led the Marketing and Growth of several technology organizations and start-ups such as BCG, Shuttl, House of Beauty, etc.

He also loves traveling and sports.

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A delay in First response time can result in missed opportunities, customer frustration, and a negative impact on conversion rates. Potential leads may lose interest or shift to competitors when experience a delay in response time.

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