Hotel Room Types: A Complete Guide to 15+ Types of Hotel Rooms

Kshitij Chaudhary
2 min read
May 25, 2024

Figuring out the types of hotel rooms can be astoundingly frustrating. Deluxe, Villa Suite, Studio, Double Room, and the like—the list of hotel room types is almost indefinitely long.

We don’t blame you, of course. After all, who learns anything about different types of hotel rooms in school?

But past ignorance, however genuine, cannot be a crutch to neglect self-learning. As a hotelier, among other things your goal is to boost your hotel revenue. So knowing what different types of hotel rooms there are, why they are essential, the correct distribution of each hotel room, etc., can make a difference between night and day in this endeavor. 

You need a complete breakdown, but first, let’s clarify what hotel room types mean and why they are essential.

Hotel Room Types & Why Are They Important?

The type of hotel room determines the kind of amenities, extra facilities, or luxuries that come with a specific room.

It’s no wonder, then, that it helps both prospective guests and hoteliers to have a clear idea about hotel room types. As a guest in a hurry, you want a quick rundown of what you’re buying, while conversely, as a hotelier, you need to know enough about it to sell it at the best price possible.

There are some other reasons too, such as:

What’s the Importance of Hotel Room Types?

1. Primary Source of Revenue

Mute out all fluff and noise for a second and think about what you’re really selling. That’s right—it’s hotel rooms.

Whether it’s vacation season or a business trip, people are always out there, looking for rooms. Now, unless you possess an almost infinite number of hotel rooms, you need to price your rooms creatively. In other words, you want to get the best price for each room.

But how do you do that? 

The answer is simple: have different types of hotel rooms. By setting up the right number and types of hotel rooms, you can make much more revenue than you’d otherwise.

2. Serve a Diverse Audience

Someone on a business trip isn’t anything like someone celebrating with their big family. Offering all of them the same types of rooms not only turns them off, but it will also actively hurt your business, as we said above.

Having diverse types of hotel rooms, then, is definitely in your interest. 

After all, it will only help you serve a wide audience and get more total bookings.

3. Additional Sales 

Offering additional amenities and premium services also lets you charge a premium for the same property.

Some guests would gladly pay a premium for a beach view, while others just want a good enough standard room for a night. So unless you’ve optimized your hotel to suit different demands and tastes, you’re missing out on some easy revenue.

Types of Hotel Rooms and Their Different Categories 

From lack of reliable long-term staff to intense competition and economic uncertainties, as a hotelier, your obstacles to consistent revenue are seemingly endless. 

Getting your room types right—and in the right numbers—will thus fix many of your revenue woes. 

Among other things, room revenues are divided into different parts based on:

  1. Occupancy
  2. Number of Beds and Size
  3. Based on their Design and Layouts  
  4. Based on Amenities   

1. Type of Hotel Rooms by Occupancy

Categorizing your rooms based on occupancy helps you optimize them for the number of people in them. It also ensures that the room can accommodate the guests at the time of their arrival.

Given its massive importance, many OTAs allow for occupancy in the beginning by asking for the number adults or children. Based on this information, then, they suggest the best hotels suited to their needs.

As a hotelier, there are a few ways you can categorize your hotel rooms:

1.1 Single Room

Single Room

Most suited for a single person, single rooms generally consist of a single or double bed. 

They are mostly preferred by hitchhikers or people on business. For this reason, depending on where your hotel is located, you need to decide how many rooms of such you should have in your hotel. 

1.2 Double Room

Double Room

As its name suggests, double rooms are best suited for an occupancy of two people. Most of the time, you should have a queen-sized or king-sized bed in a double room.

Sometimes, you’ll find some hotels offering two twin beds as well.

So the no. of beds can vary, but the fact remains that rooms are for two people, mostly couples. 

1.3 Triple Room

Triple Room

Again, true to its name, a triple room accommodates at least three people. Depending on your location, you should consider the amount of such rooms in your hotel.

Such hotel room types can include a combination of one double bed and one single bed, three twin beds, and the like.

1.4 Quad Room

Quad Room

A quad is a big room designed for four guests. Usually, it will be one of the most spacious rooms in your hotel and has either four single beds or two queen-sized and two king-sized beds.

2. Hotel Room Type Based on Design and Layout

Apart from the number of beds and occupancy, another important category for classifying rooms is layout and design. It's not only the biggest revenue bringer but also a differentiator in building your brand.

The categories consist of:

2.1 Standard Room

Standard Room

The standard room is your average room occupied by the typical working-class guest. In most cases, it should be single or double occupancy, two bed room.

2.2 Deluxe Room

Deluxe Room

Deluxe rooms are more spacious than your average standard room. They also offer far better amenities and facilities than other rooms.

If you’re thinking of offering a Deluxe/Superior room, make sure you’re also offering more polished furnishing, such as carpet, sofas, modern lighting, and King/queen-sized beds. Many hotels also offer pool or garden views and a complimentary free breakfast.

2.3 Executive Room

Executive Room

This type of room is tailored to business travelers and so offers many amenities and features, unlike other rooms. Think exclusive access to executive lounge, bars, seamles airport transport, and even free lunadary.

Other amenities might include high-speed WiFi, 24-hour room service, soundproof room, etc.

The Leela, New Delhi, does well with its executive room, to give you one example.

Again, how many executive rooms should you keep in your hotel will completely depend on the locations you’re in. If you’re inside business-fast cities like San Fransico or New Delhi, for example, it makes sense to stack up the numbers for such rooms.   

In the suburbs? Probably not so much.

2.4 Presidential Room

Presidential Room

Presidential rooms are the most luxurious rooms of any hotel. They also tend to be the biggest ones, offering far more space, privacy, and luxury than other rooms.

2.5 Villa 


A Villa is another category of accommodation available to travelers. It is a standalone building, away from the main hotel building (but still within the hotel area).

As you can probably guess, they are kind of mini-hotels in themselves, offering everything such as:

  1. More privacy because of a separate entrance and exit.
  2. A spacious area offering everything from private gardens and pools.
  3. Multiple bedrooms make them suitable for big families and groups.
  4. Even dedicated butlers and staff are present in some cases.

Undoubtedly, most hotels don’t offer villas a room category. 

However, if your goal is to serve high-end travelers, keeping villas in your room line-up is a no-brainer.  

2.6 Penthouse


Penthouses are a special type of hotel room available on the top floor of most hotels. Apart from privacy and exclusivity, this also means they can complete a long view of the city or place where the hotel is located.

Naturally, there are some of the highest-priced rooms in a hotel.

Your target audience for these accommodations will be high-net-worth individuals,  celebrities, or top corporate executives. So keep this in mind while you’re doing marketing and selling these rooms.

2.7 Panorama Suite

Panorama Suite

You can think of Panorama Suite as a Penthouse on a budget. These rooms offer the best scenic views in a hotel, offering a clear view of nearby places of interest through their huge windows. 

The Leela Ambiance Gurugram is a great example of this.

3. Rooms Based on Bed Type and Size

Another classification of the types of hotel rooms is based on the bed types and size. In fact, you’d be surprised how particular some guests are about the bed sizes. 

Some ways of classification include:

3.1 King Bed Room 

A king-sized bed is usually 6 ft in height and width and can be occupied by two people. In standard rooms, it tends to be the biggest one, and so rooms with king beds are where you charge higher.

3.2 Queen Bed Room

Rooms with queen-sized beds stand just behind king bedrooms. They are definitely larger than your average bed but just fall short of the 6ft height and width.

They fit well into a standard room without taking up any extra space. Perhaps for this reason, they are one of the most popular beds in the hotel industry. So make sure you have enough queen beds stacked up in your hotel.

3.3 Single Room

As its name gives away, a single room is designed for one person. It’s no surprise, then, that these rooms usually only consist of a standard single or double bed.

This will be one of the cheapest rooms in your hotel, usually booked by travelers looking to rest for a day or two.

3.5 Bunk Bed/Room    

Bunk bedrooms are another cost-effective travel solution. They consist of multiple beds (usually two or three) vertically stacked on top of one another, held together by a common ladder.

They are mostly booked by groups of travelers—think school, college, or big families—looking for a practical, cheap, and nice social environment.

Types of Hotel Rooms and Why They Matter

Paying attention to small details can leave a huge impact. In hotel marketing, perhaps nothing demonstrates this fact better than getting your hotel room types right. You will generate more revenue, keep your guests happy, and improve your brand as a hotel—all in one go.  

Hopefully, our guide on hotel rooms and their types helped you improve your hotel operations a little more.

Kshitij Chaudhary

Kshitij founded Brance with the vision of helping hoteliers increase their direct bookings using AI. Over the last ten years, he has led the Marketing and Growth of several technology organizations and start-ups such as BCG, Shuttl, House of Beauty, etc.

He also loves traveling and sports.

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A delay in First response time can result in missed opportunities, customer frustration, and a negative impact on conversion rates. Potential leads may lose interest or shift to competitors when experience a delay in response time.

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