Cubilis Channel Manager Review

Anuj Punjani
2 min read
May 13, 2024

Cubilis offers a channel manager rich in ease of use and customer support, with both ranking 77% and 70%, respectively. That’s good news for hoteliers in a hurry who would like to avoid spending too much time on staff training or chasing support reps for abrupt bugs.

On the other hand, a 50% negative score for its technical reliability and a 100% negative for its reporting analytics makes it a risk, especially if in-depth analysis and system stability are what you’re after.

To sum up, the tool is well worth a try if its easy-to-use features are a priority, especially with its 14-day free trial.

Want to find out more? Jump below to read our complete review, and you will be good to go.

Our Channel Manager Review Parameters You Can Trust

As a part of our editorial policy, we’d first like to state that our reviews were conducted with the aid of our in-house AI analysts. Then, we parsed through the whole review before we edited it for clarity.

We’ve also picked specific parameters that best judge the quality of a channel manager; for this reason, our review is based on them.

Parameter | Positive | Negative | Ok

--- | --- | --- | ---

Ease of Use | 77% | 22% | 0%

Technical Reliability | 25% | 50% | 25%

Customer Support | 70% | 20% | 10%

Price | 33% | 67% | 0%

Operations Management | 100% | 0% | 0%

Integration | 100% | 0% | 0%

Revenue Management | 50% | 50% | 0%

Reporting Analytics | 0% | 100% | 0%

So, with all basic parameters clear, let’s now jump to the first review of the Cubilis channel manager based on the “Ease of Use” parameter.

1. Ease of Use 

| Positive | Negative | Ok  |


| 78%  | 22%      | 0%  |


Cubilis scores highly in ease of use, with 78% of users finding the platform user-friendly. This high score is attributed to its minimalistic and simplified management of different OTAs, user-friendly extranet, and efficient updates on extranets. 

The system's design is praised for its time-saving features and overall usability, making complex tasks like OTA management and price changes straightforward for hoteliers.


Despite its high ease of use score, 22% of users report challenges with the user interface, noting it's not as intuitive as expected. 

Some users also mention the software requires a working understanding of channel managers to be used effectively, indicating a learning curve that, once overcome, reveals the software's practicality.

2. Technical Reliability

| Positive | Negative | Ok  |


| 25%  | 50%      | 25% |


Technical reliability is essential. Who wants something they can only rely on only half the time? Unfortunately, this is where Cubilis has a lot of work left to be done. it gets a whopping 50% negative score here. In spite of this, it does receive a modest positive score of 25%, with users noting the system's stability and minimal bugs or issues as key strengths. 

Moreover, a 25% rating on Ok suggests that Cubilis operates smoothly most of the time; it provides a reliable platform for hoteliers to manage their online distribution.


As we said above, a significant 50% negative score highlights persistent issues, particularly with Airbnb connectivity over 12 months, indicating a critical flaw. 

Moreover, users have also reported that the system is not suitable for advanced revenue management and distribution, with additional feedback pointing to the need for improved system speed and more accessible schedule availability.

3. Customer Support

| Positive | Negative | Ok  |


| 70%  | 20%      | 10% |


Customer support can make or break your experience as a business. Cubilis seems to know this well, and for this reason, we see a 70% positive score among users.

Hoteliers around the world appreciate the always-available support for questions or problems, knowledgeable staff, and fast response times. The support team's positive attitude and adaptability are frequently mentioned, indicating a high level of customer service that contributes to user satisfaction. 


Despite the overwhelmingly positive view of the app, 20% of users also express dissatisfaction with customer support, citing poor account management and abrupt notifications of price increases as significant issues. 

Expensive training sessions are also a concern, suggesting areas where Cubilis could improve its customer service experience.

4: Price

| Positive | Negative | Ok  |


| 33%  | 67%      | 0%  |


Price is another one of those things that can be make-or-break for many businesses. Unsurprisingly, this is also something that Cubilis can improve on. 

For now, only a minority of users, 33%, find Cubilis affordable for small hotels, indicating that the platform can do a lot more to offer cost-effective solutions for smaller properties.


Again, a high 67% negative score reflects significant concerns about pricing.

Expensive training sessions further contribute to the perception that Cubilis may not offer the best value for money, particularly for smaller hotels with tighter budgets.

5. Operations Management

| Positive | Negative | Ok  |


| 100% | 0%       | 0%  |


Good operations management is the raison d'etre for a hotel chatbot. After all, it’s what makes it possible to get your OTAs and other booking channels to work together without creating a havoc.

With a perfect 100% positive score, it’s a standout feature for Cubilis. So the message is clear: the platform excels in streamlining hotel operations through efficient OTA management and seamless integration with property management systems (PMS). 

The high emphasis on user-friendly integration and effective control over prices and inventory highlights Cubilis's capability to enhance hotel operational efficiency.


With no negative feedback reported, Cubilis demonstrates its strength in operations management, indicating that users are highly satisfied with the platform's performance in this critical area.

6. Revenue Management 

| Positive | Negative | Ok  |


| 50%  | 50%      | 0%  |


Revenue management feature receives a balanced score, with 50% of users appreciating Cubilis's ability to manage prices and inventory for multiple hotels. 

In other words, while the platform does alright in basic revenue management tasks—helping hotels optimize their pricing strategies across different properties—there are definite areas for improvements. 


As you probably guessed already, the tool has big areas for improvement, with a 50% negative score indicating a clear limitations in Cubilis's revenue management capabilities—particularly for advanced revenue management and distribution tasks. 

This feedback suggests that while Cubilis can support basic revenue management needs, it may not be suitable for hotels looking for more sophisticated revenue optimization tools.

7. Reporting Analytics

| Positive | Negative | Ok  |


| 0%   | 100% | 0%  |


There are no positive scores for reporting analytics; it’s clear that Cubilis has  to focus a lot on improvement here. 

The absence of positive feedback suggests that users find the analytics and reporting features lacking, potentially impacting their ability to make informed decisions based on data.


A 100% negative score in reporting analytics highlights a significant area of dissatisfaction among users. This feedback points to a need for more detailed and actionable insights within the platform's reporting features. 

Enhancing booking engine reports and providing more comprehensive PMS details could address these concerns, improving user satisfaction in this critical area.

Should You Use Cubilis Channel Manager?

Overall, Cubilis channel manager presents a mixed bag of features, with some parameters receiving overwhelmingly positive feedback, while others indicating a deepseated need for overhaul for enhancement.Still on the fence? Give the 14-day free trial a go. Your credit card is not required, and you can use the full version of the app for free. Try the tool for yourself and see if it’s what you need.

Read Also - SiteMinder Channel Manager Review

Anuj Punjani

Anuj Punjani co-founded Brance and leads its engineering team. He studied at NSIT and the University of Michigan before working at Apple for about four years, where he worked on products like the iPhone, iPad, and Mac.

He's an avid trekker and enjoys playing lawn tennis and cricket in his free time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is First Response Time important in inside sales?

First Response Time holds a great importance in inside sales because it influences customer satisfaction. Ultra-fast responses improve the chances of potential leads getting converted into paying and loyal customers.

What are the consequences of a delayed first response in inside sales?

A delay in First response time can result in missed opportunities, customer frustration, and a negative impact on conversion rates. Potential leads may lose interest or shift to competitors when experience a delay in response time.

What role does technology play in reducing first response time?

Technology plays a vital role in reducing first response time through automation. AI-driven chatbots streamline the communication process and enables faster interactions.

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