Bookandlink Channel Manager Review

Ayush Gupta
2 min read
May 5, 2024

BookandLink is your one-stop cloud solution for all things related to hotel channel management. The tool particularly shines in its ease of use and customer support, getting a solid 100% score for both in our final analysis.

While there are prominent areas for improvement, like technical reliability, which can possibly lead you to trouble during peak hours, we found it to be a workable tool overall.

For a complete picture of the tool, proceed to the detailed review below.

Our Channel Manager Review Parameters You Can Trust

As part of our review policy, we’d like to state that our reviews were conducted with the aid of our in-house AI analysts. Then, we parsed through the whole review and then edited it for clarity. 

We have also picked specific parameters that best demonstrate the quality of a channel manager and presented a review based on them.

Parameter | Positive | Negative | Ok

----| ---- | ---- | ----

Ease of Use | 100% | 0% | 0%

Technical Reliability | 0% | 100% | 0%

Customer Support | 100% | 0% | 0%

So, in this review, Ease of Use, Technical Reliability, and Customer Support are the parameters that we have deemed to be the most important compared to others. Let’s dive into the review then.

1. Ease of Use

| Positive | Negative | Ok  |


| 100% | 0%       | 0%  |


BOOKANDLINK's channel manager for hotels shines in ease of use, boasting a perfect 100% positive score. This stellar rating underscores the platform's user-friendly backend, making it a breeze for hoteliers to manage their online presence. 

The emphasis on a straightforward interface likely reduces the learning curve, allowing staff to quickly adapt and efficiently handle their distribution channels. 


With a non-existent negative score, it's clear that BOOKANDLINK has mastered the art of simplicity in design and functionality. 

This absence of criticism highlights the company's success in eliminating common usability hurdles, ensuring a smooth and accessible experience for all users.

2. Technical Reliability

| Positive | Negative | Ok  |


| 0%   | 100% | 0%  | 


There are no positive scores for technical reliability, indicating that BOOKANDLINK may face challenges in this area. The absence of accolades suggests that while the platform functions, there may be room for improvement to enhance stability and performance. 


A 100% negative score in technical reliability is a significant concern. 

Users report issues during peak times, with problems often pending into the afternoon or night. This feedback points to a need for BOOKANDLINK to bolster its infrastructure and address these technical shortcomings to avoid affecting service quality during high-demand periods.

3. Customer Support

| Positive | Negative | Ok  |


| 100% | 0%       | 0%  |


BOOKANDLINK's customer support is highly regarded, with a 100% positive score. This exceptional rating reflects the support team's responsiveness, helpfulness, and reliability. Such direct praise for customer service quality is crucial, as it plays a significant role in user satisfaction. 

The emphasis on a supportive and dependable customer service team suggests that BOOKANDLINK values its clients and is committed to providing timely assistance.


The absence of negative feedback in customer support is noteworthy. It indicates that BOOKANDLINK has effectively met or exceeded expectations in this area, ensuring that users feel supported and valued. 

This level of service is essential for maintaining positive relationships and fostering trust between the platform and its users.

4. Price

| Positive | Negative | Ok  |


| 0%   | 0%   | 100% |


There are no specific positive scores for the pricing of BOOKANDLINK's channel manager, suggesting that while the pricing structure may be acceptable, it doesn't stand out as particularly advantageous or disadvantageous to users. 

The 100% 'OK' score indicates a neutral perception, implying that the cost is considered reasonable and in line with the value provided. 


Similarly, the absence of negative feedback regarding price suggests that users do not find the cost prohibitively expensive or a barrier to entry. 

This neutrality in pricing perception is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge in the market, ensuring that BOOKANDLINK remains an accessible option for hotels of various sizes and budgets.

Should You Choose BookandLink Channel Manager?

In summary, BookandLink excels in ease of use and customer support, demonstrating its commitment to providing a user-friendly platform and exceptional service. However, technical reliability emerges as a significant area for improvement, with many users experiencing issues during peak times. 

The neutral stance on pricing suggests that while not a standout feature, BOOKANDLINK's cost is aligned with the market rate, making it a viable option for hotels looking to manage their online distribution effectively.

These parameters show that the platform is accessible and backed by a reliable support team, which is essential for smooth hotel operations.

Read Also - Cloudbeds Channel Manager Review

Ayush Gupta

Ayush co-founded Brance and leads its AI efforts. He is xStanford and xApple with expertise in Search, Big Data, NLP, and Generative AI. He previously led the App Store Search Ranking at Apple.

Outside of work, he enjoys swimming, running marathons, and playing cricket.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is First Response Time important in inside sales?

First Response Time holds a great importance in inside sales because it influences customer satisfaction. Ultra-fast responses improve the chances of potential leads getting converted into paying and loyal customers.

What are the consequences of a delayed first response in inside sales?

A delay in First response time can result in missed opportunities, customer frustration, and a negative impact on conversion rates. Potential leads may lose interest or shift to competitors when experience a delay in response time.

What role does technology play in reducing first response time?

Technology plays a vital role in reducing first response time through automation. AI-driven chatbots streamline the communication process and enables faster interactions.

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