Blastness Channel Manager Review

Kshitij Chaudhary
2 min read
May 4, 2024

Blastness is probably your best choice if you’re looking for 100% performance in ease of use, technical reliability, revenue management, and integration, all from a single source.

Surprisingly, throughout our research, we didn’t find a single bad review on the tool. This definitely caught our eye and made it stand out from other tools in the market.

For a complete review, jump into our detailed guide below.

Our Channel Manager Review Parameters You Can Trust

As part of our review policy, we’d like to disclose that our review was conducted with the aid of our in-house AI analysts. Then, we parsed through the whole review before we edited it for clarity and typos.

As such, we’ve reviewed the article based on some specific parameters. They are primarily things we believe to be good indicators of performance for any channel manager and so deserve a separate analysis for each section.

Here they are:

Parameter | Positive | Negative | Ok

--- | --- | --- | ---

Ease of Use | 100% | 0% | 0%

Customer Support | 100% | 0% | 0%

Integration | 100% | 0% | 0%

Revenue Management | 100% | 0% | 0%

With this cleared up, let’s now jump into our complete review of Blastness, based on every parameter.

1. Ease of Use

| Positive | Negative | Ok  |


| 100% | 0%       | 0%  |


Blastness scores a perfect 100% in ease of use, indicating that users find the channel manager extremely user-friendly. This is obviously an essential feature for hoteliers, as it affects their daily tasks and streamlines the management of online distribution for hotels. 

It also ensures that hoteliers can efficiently manage their operations without the need for extensive training or technical support.


With a 0% negative score, Blastness has effectively addressed common usability challenges associated with channel managers. In other words, it underscores the platform's commitment to providing a hassle-free user experience for its clients.

2. Customer Support

| Positive | Negative | Ok  |


| 100% | 0%  | 0% |


Blastness's customer support receives a glowing 100% positive score, highlighting the exceptional service provided. Users praise the support team for being supportive, professional, and friendly.

The team's emphasis on quick responses and immediate actions suggests a proactive approach to customer service, which is crucial for maintaining smooth hotel operations.


Again, with no negative feedback, Blastness's customer support stands out as another key strength of the platform. 

The absence of criticism in this area is a testament to the effectiveness and responsiveness of their support team, ensuring users feel valued and supported at all times.

3. Integration

| Positive | Negative | Ok  |


| 100% | 0%  | 0% |


Blastness's integration capabilities bag another perfect 100%, indicating seamless connectivity with property management systems (PMS) and other essential hotel operations software. 

The high score suggests that hotels can easily manage their online distribution effectively, thus enhancing their operational efficiency. 

The specific mention of seamless integration between Blastness and PMS highlights the platform's ability to facilitate easy online distribution, which is a critical aspect of hotel management.


The lack of negative feedback on integration underscores Blastness's strength in providing a cohesive and efficient operational ecosystem for hotels. This specific integration capability likely contributes to a more streamlined and effective management process without any significant drawbacks reported.

4. Revenue Management

| Positive | Negative | Ok  |


| 100% | 0%  | 0% |


Last but not least, Blastness excels in revenue management, too, getting a 100% positive score and reflecting its effectiveness in maximizing hotel revenues. 

The platform's ability to increase direct bookings and overall revenue growth comes highly rated, implying that Blastness effectively leverages its features to optimize pricing and distribution strategies for financial gains.


Yet again, with no negative feedback in revenue management, Blastness demonstrates its proficiency in this area. 

The platform's tools and strategies are evidently well-aligned with the needs of hotels looking to maximize their financial performance, without any significant issues reported.

Is Blastness Right for Your Hotel?

If you’re looking for automated B2C and B2B management for over 200+ OTAs and 100+ wholesalers/tour operators from a single place, Blastness is just the channel manager for you.

Kshitij Chaudhary

Kshitij founded Brance with the vision of helping hoteliers increase their direct bookings using AI. Over the last ten years, he has led the Marketing and Growth of several technology organizations and start-ups such as BCG, Shuttl, House of Beauty, etc.

He also loves traveling and sports.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is First Response Time important in inside sales?

First Response Time holds a great importance in inside sales because it influences customer satisfaction. Ultra-fast responses improve the chances of potential leads getting converted into paying and loyal customers.

What are the consequences of a delayed first response in inside sales?

A delay in First response time can result in missed opportunities, customer frustration, and a negative impact on conversion rates. Potential leads may lose interest or shift to competitors when experience a delay in response time.

What role does technology play in reducing first response time?

Technology plays a vital role in reducing first response time through automation. AI-driven chatbots streamline the communication process and enables faster interactions.

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