AI Chatbot Checklist – What Hoteliers Need to Keep in Mind for Optimal Selection?

Kshitij Chaudhary
2 min read
April 15, 2024

AI Chatbots are no longer a concept of the future, they have become essential tools in redefining the ways how hotels operate and interact with their guests.

Imagine a world where every guest interaction, from a simple query about room availability to a complex request for local travel advice, is handled swiftly, accurately, and with a personalized touch. AI chatbots in the hospitality industry are turning this vision into a reality.

They are bridging the gap between digital convenience and human warmth, ensuring guests feel valued and understood, around the clock.

In this blog, we will delve into the ever-increasing role of AI-driven chatbots in the hospitality industry. We'll explore how these virtual assistants are redefining hotel operations, from streamlining administrative tasks to offering an enhanced, tailored guest experience.

This blog will provide insights into chatbots in the hospitality industry, how AI is revolutionizing the field in its favor, their growing importance, the journey of a guest's interaction with an AI-driven Hotel Chatbot, and the factors hoteliers need to consider for the optimal selection of an AI Hotel Chatbot. Let’s Begin…..

What is a Chatbot in the Hospitality Industry?

Man chatting with chatbot

In hospitality, a chatbot acts as a virtual assistant designed to engage in real-time conversations with guests and existing customers. 

Unlike traditional live chat systems on travel websites which often require a human team for operations, these AI Chatbots are self-sufficient. 

These virtual assistants are not confined to a single shell of a hotel’s website; they are versatile enough to be implemented on other digital channels such as Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, WeChat, Google My Business, Google Maps, Viber, and many more. 

Acting as a round-the-clock agent, these chatbots can assist guests with almost everything. From answering digital booking queries to offering personalized recommendations during a guest’s stay or even gathering feedback after their departure–everything can handled by them.

What Sets These Virtual Assistants Apart in the Digital Era? 

What sets today’s hospitality chatbots apart is their ability to offer a personalized, human-like experience to guests and a seamless booking process. This cutting-edge feature makes them the cynosure of guest management across the hospitality industry. 

What Is the Growing Importance of AI Chatbots in the Hospitality Industry?

In a world where customer service is the cornerstone, relying on rule-based chatbots can be a significant drawback for your hotel. This is because rule-based chatbots are programmed to respond only to specific queries with pre-determined answers.

While they may be beneficial for handling various tasks, there are many areas where they fall short. 

Limited understanding, pre-determined answers, rigid nature, no learning capability, and poor scalability are some of the significant drawbacks that can negatively impact your hotel’s brand image. 

  • Limited Understanding: Rule-based chatbots may miss nuances in language, leading to incomplete responses.
  • No Learning Capability: Unlike AI chatbots, they cannot learn from past interactions, limiting their effectiveness in personalization.
  • Rigidity and Poor Scalability: Updating these chatbots can be challenging as hotel services expand.
  • Negative Reviews: Limitations can lead to poor guest experiences, affecting the hotel's reputation. 

This is where Brance’s AI Chatbots come into play.

The Journey of a Guest’s Interaction With an Ai-Driven Hotel Chatbot

Chatting with chatbot

Are you ready to enjoy a guest’s journey, interacting with an AI-driven Chatbot? 

1. Pre-booking: Driving Higher Conversions With Hotel Chatbots

The Challenge

Before making a booking, potential guests often have a long list of questions that can range from room features and pet policies to exclusive package offers. 

Replying to these queries usually involves human customer service agents, which can cause delays in the booking process and potentially result in your hotel losing a customer. 

Brance’s Solution 

Brance’s AI-driven chatbot acts as an immediate virtual assistant capable of answering all the pre-booking questions that can arise in a guest’s mind. 

It removes the guest’s doubts and encourages them to complete the booking, thereby increasing conversion rates. Also, customers have a lot of queries before and after check-in. 

Answering these queries requires a lot of staff bandwidth. Customers also have to wait in long queues during peak hours, which often makes them feel agitated. 

However, today, hoteliers can allow guests to ask their questions on WhatsApp and get them answered through an intelligent AI solution like Brance’s.

2. Pre-arrival: Enhancing Personalization and Upselling in the Hospitality Industry 

The Challenge 

Many hotels send generic pre-arrival emails to guests that often go unnoticed. This results in missed opportunities to upsell additional services or special tailor-made packages based on the guests' specific needs. 

Brance’s Solution 

Brance’s AI Chatbot can send personalized messages based on the guest’s booking details or preferences, thereby improving the likelihood of upselling additional services like spa treatments or romantic dining experiences at the best package. 

Our AI chatbot automatically reaches out to all customers for upsells after a booking.

It gives the customers all potential options and things to do at the hotel, understands their needs, and then only converts the upsells on Whatsapp itself.

3. During-Stay: The Role of AI Chatbots as Digital Concierges 

The Challenge 

Once a guest has checked in, they have a variety of needs that traditionally require a human concierge. This can result in delays and errors that can negatively affect the guest’s overall experience.

Brance’s Solution 

Brance’s AI chatbot serves as a digital concierge who’s available 24/7 and capable of handling a wide variety of services that guests need during their stay. 

Whether ordering room service or booking a spa appointment, the chatbot ensures a smooth and efficient guest experience. 

Today hoteliers can allow customers to order their favourite dish without having to speak with anyone on a call. This is a great experience for guests as they are now used to ordering food on Apps rather than having to call the restaurants, which is a tedious exercise. 

4. Post-Stay: Automating Follow-up and Feedback through AI Chatbots in the hospitality sector 

The Challenge 

The time after a guest’s stay is vital for collecting feedback and further improving direct hotel bookings. However, this process often requires human intervention, which can result in missed opportunities for re-engagement. 

Brance’s AI-Chatbot 

Brance’s AI solution can automatically send post-stay services to the guests and offer special discounts for future stays, increasing the chances of securing direct and repeated hotel bookings. 

Our AI Chatbots encourage satisfied guests to leave online reviews on platforms like Trip Advisor, MakeMyTrip, etc. A simple message requesting the client’s feedback can increase the volume of positive reviews, which is crucial for maintaining your hotel’s online reputation and brand image.

Brance’s AI solution is the smartest feedback collection tool for encouraging reviews on OTAs. Using advanced AI, it smartly encourages only happy customers to give feedback on OTA websites. 

Wherever the feedback is average or below, it captures it and relays it to the hotelier without encouraging feedback on the OTA website. 

7 Things to Consider While Choosing the Best Hotel Chatbot for Your Business

AI (Artificial Intelligence) and MI (Machine Learning) are the two buzzwords of the modern age. Business owners from all across the globe believe that AI is the primary driving force they can use to increase their organizational productivity and gain a competitive advantage. 

Prior to selecting the best AI Chatbot for your hotel business, here are the 7 things that you need to consider: 

1. Identify Your Hotel’s Needs and Preferences 

Understanding your hotel's unique requirements is the first step in selecting an AI chatbot. This involves a thorough assessment of your hotel's objectives, whether it's for improving customer service, handling reservations more efficiently, or offering personalized guest experiences. 

By clearly defining your goals, you can better identify the type of AI chatbot that will most effectively meet these needs.

2. Types of AI Chatbots for Various Hotel Operations

AI Chatbots come in multiple forms, each catering to different operational needs. 

From basic query-response bots handling specific FAQs to more sophisticated ones capable of managing bookings and providing personalized recommendations, understanding the range of AI Chatbot functionalities is crucial in selecting the right fit for your hotel business. 

3. Key Features to Look out for in AI Chatbot

Here are some key features to look out for in AI:

3.1 Natural Language Processing (NLP) 

AI-driven chatbots use NLP, which enables them to understand and interpret human language with great ease, leading to more effective and natural interactions. 

For instance, if a guest asks, “Can I do a late check-out?” The chatbot will understand this request, check the reservation details, and provide a more personalized response. Our chatbots learn from every interaction, continuously improving their ability to understand and respond to complex guest queries.

3.2 Seamless Integration

AI chatbots can be easily integrated with the hotel’s existing PMS (Property Management System), CRM systems, booking engines, and other digital channels such as Instagram, WhatsApp, etc.

This seamless integration ensures the chatbot can access real-time data, like room availability or guest preferences, to provide accurate information and services.

3.3 Dynamic Learning 

Dynamic learning enables chatbots to learn from past interactions and continuously refine their responses. This means the more interactions a chatbot has, the better it becomes at understanding and fulfilling guest needs. 

By learning from interactions with various guests, the chatbot can anticipate common needs and questions and prepare more effective responses.

3.4 Round-the-clock Availability 

AI chatbots are available to assist guests any time of the day or year, regardless of time zones or holidays. This is especially important in the hospitality industry, which operates around the clock. 

Chatbots can handle multiple queries simultaneously, ensuring no guest has to wait for assistance, even during peak times.

3.5 Advanced Data Analytics 

Chatbots can collect and analyze vast amounts of data from guest interactions. This data includes preferences, behaviors, and feedback, which can be invaluable for tailoring services and revamping marketing strategies.

By analyzing interaction data, chatbots can identify trends and patterns, helping hoteliers make informed decisions about services, promotions, and improvements.

3.6 Multi-lingual Support 

Multilingual chatbots can communicate with guests in their native languages, making them feel more comfortable and welcomed. This feature allows hotels to cater to a diverse global clientele, broadening their market reach beyond their imagination. 

3.7 AI Capabilities and Channel-specific Integration 

Advanced AI capabilities and integration with various channels like WhatsApp, Instagram, Google My Business, Viber, WeChat, etc., are essential for modern hospitality businesses.

4. Evaluating User Experience and Interface

The user experience is paramount when implementing an AI chatbot. An intuitive, user-friendly interface that aligns with your hotel's branding and is accessible to a diverse range of users can significantly impact the effectiveness of your chatbot.

5. Security and Compliance Considerations

In an era where data security is of utmost importance, ensuring that your AI chatbot adheres to stringent data privacy and protection standards, such as GDPR compliance, is crucial. This not only secures guest data but also builds trust in your brand.

6. Vendor Assessment and Support 

When evaluating vendors, focus on their AI capabilities. The shift from rule-based bots to AI-driven chatbots has transformed the entire customer journey, offering a more dynamic and satisfying customer experience. 

By prioritizing AI capabilities in your vendor assessment, you ensure that the chatbot you choose is not just a temporary fix but a long-term asset capable of transforming the guest experience. 

The right AI-driven chatbot can lead to more efficient operations, higher guest satisfaction, and, ultimately, a more successful hotel business.

7. Measuring effectiveness and ROI

Measuring the effectiveness and ROI of your AI chatbot is essential. This includes tracking performance metrics, analyzing cost savings, improving guest satisfaction, and increasing direct hotel bookings. Regular assessment helps in fine-tuning the chatbot for optimal performance. 

In a Nutshell 

The digital age has completely transformed the way guests interact with hotels. Personalization is no longer an option, it has become a strategic necessity that can help hoteliers win the digital game. 

Selecting the right chatbot for your hotel business is a smart move that can significantly influence your hotel’s operational efficiency and enhance guest satisfaction. By considering the above factors and observing a guest’s interaction with an AI-driven chatbot, you can select a chatbot that not only meets your current hotel requirements but also scales up with your future ambitions. 

Want to increase direct hotel bookings and set your hotel apart from your competitors? Integrate Brance’s AI Chatbot into your PMS (Property Management System) to make it happen.


Q.1. What is an AI-Chatbot? 
An AI chatbot is a software application that uses artificial intelligence to understand and respond to user inquiries automatically. In the context of hotels, it can assist with customer service, booking inquiries, and providing information about hotel services.

Q.2. Why should hoteliers consider implementing an AI Chatbot? 
AI chatbots can enhance customer service & satisfaction by providing immediate responses to guest inquiries, reducing staff workload, and being available 24/7. They can also handle routine questions, allowing staff to focus on more complex tasks. Moreover, implementing hotel chatbots can significantly increase direct hotel bookings and revenue.

Q.3. What Key Features Should Hoteliers Look for in an AI Chatbot?
Important features that hoteliers need to look out for while selecting the best AI Chatbot for their hotel business include natural language processing capabilities, integration with the hotel's booking system, customizability, scalability, and the ability to handle multiple languages.

Q.4. How Can an AI Chatbot Improve Guest Experience?
It can provide quick answers to common guest queries 24/7, assist with bookings and reservations, offer personalized recommendations, and support guests with any special requests or needs.

Q.5. Is It Difficult to Integrate an AI Chatbot with Existing Hotel Systems?
This depends on the chatbot solution and the hotel's existing systems. Many modern AI chatbots are designed for easy integration with common hotel management software. 

If you are looking for the best AI-driven chatbot, Brance is the leading provider. You can take a FREE DEMO and see how it works.

Q.6. How Does an AI Chatbot Handle Complex Customer Service Inquiries?
While AI chatbots are adept at handling routine questions or understanding nuances of human behavior, they can also be programmed to escalate complex queries or transfer sensitive inquiries to human staff.

Kshitij Chaudhary

Kshitij founded Brance with the vision of helping hoteliers increase their direct bookings using AI. Over the last ten years, he has led the Marketing and Growth of several technology organizations and start-ups such as BCG, Shuttl, House of Beauty, etc.

He also loves traveling and sports.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is First Response Time important in inside sales?

First Response Time holds a great importance in inside sales because it influences customer satisfaction. Ultra-fast responses improve the chances of potential leads getting converted into paying and loyal customers.

What are the consequences of a delayed first response in inside sales?

A delay in First response time can result in missed opportunities, customer frustration, and a negative impact on conversion rates. Potential leads may lose interest or shift to competitors when experience a delay in response time.

What role does technology play in reducing first response time?

Technology plays a vital role in reducing first response time through automation. AI-driven chatbots streamline the communication process and enables faster interactions.

Why is First Response Time important in inside sales?

First Response Time holds a great importance in inside sales because it influences customer satisfaction. Ultra-fast responses improve the chances of potential leads getting converted into paying and loyal customers.

What are the consequences of a delayed first response in inside sales?
What role does technology play in reducing first response time?

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